
Infrastructure as Code Tools

Ankur Khurana
Neel Punatar

Understanding Infrastructure as Code Tools

When development teams prepare for a product release, they often spend weeks manually setting up servers, networks, and databases. Each step requires precision, as small errors can cause deployment failures. Manual setup also slows down the process and makes it harder to maintain consistency across environments.

Infrastructure as Code automates deployment using tools like Terraform, Pulumi, and Crossplane, replacing manual work with reusable configuration files. Instead of setting up infrastructure manually, developers define system requirements in code, ensuring consistency across development, staging, and production.

Tools like Terraform allow teams to describe infrastructure as code, making it easy to deploy virtual machines, networks, and security groups with a single command, reducing errors and improving reliability.

When Are Infrastructure as Code Tools Most Useful?

Infrastructure as Code tools make infrastructure management faster, more reliable, and consistent.

  • Managing Multiple Environments: Setting up development, staging, and production manually can cause inconsistencies. IaC tools like Terraform use reusable modules to deploy the same servers, databases, and networks across all environments.

  • Quick Recovery from Failures: IaC scripts help you recover quickly from server crashes, misconfigurations, or network issues, ensuring smooth integration with CI/CD pipelines.

  • Automating CI/CD Pipelines: IaC tools automate environment setup for testing and deployment. For example, Terraform can create a temporary EC2 instance, deploy an app, run tests, and delete the instance after testing, saving time and reducing errors.

By reducing manual work, maintaining consistency, and enabling automation, IaC tools improve infrastructure efficiency and scalability.

Declarative vs. Imperative IaC Approaches

Declarative and imperative approaches define how infrastructure is managed; one focuses on the desired state, while the other specifies step-by-step instructions. Here is a detailed difference between them.

Infrastructure as Code Tools (IaC tools)

Both approaches are useful, but declarative Infrastructure as Code is better for infrastructure provisioning, while imperative Infrastructure as Code is more suited for system configuration and application deployment.

Let’s take a closer look at the top Infrastructure as Code tools one by one: 


Terraform is a declarative IaC tool that provisions and manages infrastructure across AWS, Azure, GCP, and on-premises environments. It uses HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) to define resources and maintain the desired state. Terraform tracks deployed resources using state files, ensuring consistency across updates. Terraform Modules enable reusable infrastructure code, standardizing deployments across environments.

1. Defining Resources with HCL 

Terraform allows users to define infrastructure using HCL. Resources are written in configuration files and executed to create cloud resources.

Here’s a practical approach for using Terraform. We’ll set up the EC2 instance in the AWS cloud.

Here is the terraform configuration file, 

provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"
resource "aws_instance" "iac_tool" {
  ami       = "ami-0c02fb55956c7d316"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  tags = {
Name = "Terraform-Instance"

 The Terraform code provisions an AWS EC2 instance in us-east-1 using a specified AMI and t2.micro instance type. It assigns a tag "Terraform-Instance" for identification. When applied, Terraform makes sure the instance matches this configuration, updating it if changes are detected.

After writing the configuration, initialize the working directory with `terraform init`, review changes with terraform plan, and apply the configuration using terraform apply. 

You can check your AWS Cloud Console to verify the creation of the Instance: 

Infrastructure as Code Tools (IaC tools)

2. Managing State in Terraform

Terraform uses a state file (terraform.tfstate) to track infrastructure, map real-world resources to configurations, detect changes, and ensure consistent updates. For scalability and collaboration, Terraform supports remote backends like AWS S3, enabling centralized state management, versioning, encryption, and automatic locking, reducing conflicts and data loss.

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
bucket  = "my-tf-state-bucket-25"
region  = "us-east-1"
encrypt = true

This Terraform configuration is used to store its state file in an S3 bucket instead of locally. It specifies the S3 bucket name my-tf-state-bucket-25, sets the AWS region us-east-1, and enables encryption encrypt = true to secure the state file. This setup ensures the state is managed remotely, providing better security and collaboration for teams.

We can always verify that on the AWS management console:

Infrastructure as Code Tools (IaC tools)

3. Creating and Using Terraform Modules

Terraform modules help organize, reuse, and standardize infrastructure code, making deployments scalable and manageable. A module groups related resources, simplifying configurations, reducing duplication, and improving team collaboration.

module "terraform_ec2_instance" {
  source = "./modules/ec2_instance"
  ami_id = "ami-04b4f1a9cf54c11d0"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
output "instance_id" {
  value = modules.terraform_ec2_instance.instance_id

This configuration is a Terraform module that creates an EC2 instance using the ec2_instance module located in the ./modules/ec2_instance directory. It passes the ami_id and instance_type as input variables to the module. The output block retrieves and displays the instance ID of the created EC2 instance using modules.terraform_ec2_instance.instance_id. 

This allows you to easily reference the instance ID after the resource is created.

4. Managing Secrets in the Terraform 

Managing secrets in Terraform is an essential aspect of maintaining security and preventing sensitive data from being exposed in your infrastructure code. Terraform provides several methods to securely manage secrets, such as using environment variables, AWS Secrets Manager, and HashiCorp Vault.

This is how you can store sensitive values like API keys or passwords in environment variables instead of hardcoding them in your Terraform configuration files. This keeps secrets out of version control.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= "AKIA6G************OKJL"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="GJTOn********************C5Y3NQ"

Terraform will automatically pick up these environment variables when interacting with AWS without exposing sensitive data in your .tf file like terraform.tfvars.

5. Terraform: Challenges and Common Mistakes to Avoid

While Terraform is powerful for infrastructure provisioning, there are a few challenges users might face:

State File Management Issues: Reliance on state files terraform.tfstate can lead to conflicts if mishandled. Use remote backends like AWS S3 with state locking via DynamoDB.

Resource Drift Detection Limitations: Terraform detects drift only during terraform plan or terraform apply. Regularly run these commands to catch inconsistencies.

Dependency Management Complexity: Use depends_on cautiously to manage resource creation order and avoid circular dependencies.

Handling Secrets Securely: Mark sensitive variables using sensitive = true and avoid hardcoding credentials.

Terraform is widely used for cloud provisioning, handling infrastructure at scale, and enforcing consistency across environments.


Ansible is an imperative IaC tool. It is a powerful configuration management tool and can be used as part of your Infrastructure as Code strategy. It operates in a task-based manner, ensuring systems reach and maintain a desired state. While Terraform spins up the underlying resources, Ansible excels at application deployment, package management, and configuration once those resources exist. It is agentless, using SSH for Linux and WinRM for Windows, simplifying deployments. Automation tasks are defined in YAML-based playbooks, ensuring clear and structured configurations.

1. Using Ansible Playbooks for Configuration Management

Here’s a practical approach to creating an EC2 instance in AWS using Ansible,

Here’s the create_ec2.yml configuration file, 

name: Launch AWS EC2 instance
  hosts: localhost
name: Create an EC2 instance
        aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
        aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
        region: "us-east-1"
        instance_type: "t2.micro"
        image_id: "ami-0e2**************8c"
        count: 1
        wait: yes

Name: "Ansible-Instance"
 register: ec2_instance_details
name: Show instance details
        var: ec2_instance_details

Note: In a production environment, use environment variables or AWS Vault rather than using variables. You can also reference your credentials securely with ansible-vault if you need them in files.

The Ansible playbook provisions a t2.micro EC2 instance in the us-east-1 region using the module. It runs on localhost with AWS credentials, assigns the tag Ansible-Instance, stores instance details in ec2_instance_details, and displays them using the debug module.

ansible-playbook --check create_ec2.yml

This command performs a dry run to show what changes will be made without actually applying them.

ansible-playbook create_ec2.yml -e @vars.yml

This command runs the playbook while securely passing external variables from the vars.yml file.

To verify the creation of the EC2 instance, we can verify that on the AWS console,

Infrastructure as Code Tools (IaC tools)

It is more suited for configuration management than pure infrastructure provisioning.

2. Creating Ansible Roles for Reusability

Ansible roles provide a structured way to organize and manage your automation tasks. By breaking down your playbooks into reusable roles, you can easily share and scale your configurations across different projects and environments. A role in Ansible typically consists of several well-defined directories and files, each serving a specific purpose. The structure of a role helps to separate concerns, making it easier to maintain, troubleshoot, and reuse.

How Ansible’s Inventory Works (with Remote Hosts)

Ansible’s inventory defines the hosts or groups of hosts you want to manage. It helps Ansible determine where to apply roles and tasks. The inventory can be a simple .ini file, a YAML file, or dynamically generated. To manage remote hosts, you specify IP addresses or domain names, along with connection details like SSH user credentials and private key files.

└── apache/
├── tasks/
│   └── main.yml
├── handlers/
│   └── main.yml
├── templates/
│   └── apache_config.j2
├── vars/
│   └── main.yml
└── hosts.ini


First, we need to create the main.yml in order to configure the roles as we are using the apache in the example.

- name: Install Apache
name: apache2
state: present
  become: yes

- name: Start Apache service
name: apache2
state: started
enabled: yes
  become: yes

- name: Configure Apache using template
src: apache_config.j2
dest: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
  become: yes
  notify: restart apache

The roles/apache/tasks/main.yml file installs Apache, starts the service, and ensures it's enabled to run on boot. It then configures Apache using a Jinja2 template (apache_config.j2) and triggers a handler to restart Apache if the configuration changes. Handlers are tasks that run only if notified by a preceding task that has changed the system state, preventing unnecessary restarts.

Next, we create a playbook to apply this role. Here's the configuration:

- hosts: web_servers
  become: yes
    - apache

Once the role and playbook are ready, you can run the playbook with the following command: 

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbook.yml

3. Handling Variables and Secrets in Ansible

Ansible supports variables for flexible automation across environments, defined in playbooks, inventory files, or external sources and referenced as {{ variable_name }}. For securely handling sensitive data, Ansible provides ansible-vault, which encrypts variables like passwords while ensuring safe usage in playbooks.

  ansible_user: ec2-user
  ansible_password: "{{ lookup('file', 'secrets.yml') }}"

Using this approach, you can easily manage both regular variables and sensitive data securely while keeping your playbooks flexible and reusable across different environments.

4. Applying Idempotency in Ansible

Ansible's idempotency ensures playbooks yield the same outcome on repeated runs, making changes only when the system state differs from the desired configuration, preventing redundant updates, and optimizing management.

Let’s say you want to ensure that the Nginx package is installed on a server. The following Ansible task will install nginx only if it's not already installed.

name: Ensure nginx is installed
    name: nginx
    state: present
  become: yes

Ansible will check the system’s current state and find that the desired state has already been met. No installation will happen, and the playbook will exit without making changes.

5. Ansible: Troubleshooting Common Issues and Misconfigurations

Ansible excels in configuration management, but here are some challenges to watch for,

Idempotency Pitfalls: Ensure modules like apt or service are used instead of raw shell commands for true idempotency.

Inventory Management Confusion: Dynamic inventories require proper configuration to avoid connection issues.

SSH Connection Errors: Validate SSH key permissions, firewall rules, and user access.

Variable Precedence Issues: Understand Ansible’s variable precedence to prevent unexpected behaviors.

Ansible is preferred when managing system configurations, deploying applications, or automating routine administrative tasks.


Pulumi is a declarative IaC tool that defines infrastructure using Python, JavaScript, Go, and other general-purpose languages, offering flexibility over Terraform’s HCL. Designed for cloud-native environments like serverless, Kubernetes, and containers, Pulumi supports multi-cloud deployments across AWS, Azure, GCP, and Kubernetes, tracking infrastructure state locally or in its managed backend.

1. Writing Infrastructure as Code in TypeScript

Before creating resources with Pulumi, you need to set up a project. Run pulumi new aws-typescript to create a new project, then define your infrastructure in index.ts. We’ll create an EC2 instance using Pulumi on AWS. Make sure you have Pulumi set up before proceeding.

To configure Pulumi to run against AWS, you need to provide AWS credentials so that Pulumi can authenticate with your AWS account. If you’ve already configured the AWS CLI using AWS configure, Pulumi will automatically detect and use those credentials. 

Alternatively, you can export your AWS credentials as environment variables using. 

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your-access-key-id",
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your-secret-access-key",
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-1".

 These methods allow Pulumi to interact with AWS services securely and deploy resources simply.

Run pulumi new aws-typescript to initialize your new Pulumi project. Below is the `index.ts` configuration file we’ll use to create the EC2 instance.

import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";

// Security Group for the EC2 instance
const securityGroup = new aws.ec2.SecurityGroup("web-sg", {
    description: "Allow SSH and HTTP",
    ingress: [
            protocol: "tcp",
            fromPort: 22,
            toPort: 22,
            cidrBlocks: [""],
            protocol: "tcp",
            fromPort: 80,
            toPort: 80,
            cidrBlocks: [""],
    egress: [
            protocol: "-1",
            fromPort: 0,
            toPort: 0,
            cidrBlocks: [""],

// EC2 instance
const ec2Instance = new aws.ec2.Instance("my-instance", {
    ami: "ami-0e2**************8c",
    instanceType: "t2.micro",
    securityGroups: [],
    tags: {
        Name: "Pulumi-EC2-Instance",

// Export the instance details
export const publicIp = ec2Instance.publicIp;
export const publicDns = ec2Instance.publicDns;

This Pulumi code provisions an EC2 instance with a security group allowing inbound SSH (port 22) and HTTP (port 80) traffic while permitting all outbound traffic. The instance uses a specified AMI, t2.micro type, and is tagged Pulumi-EC2-Instance.

Infrastructure as Code Tools (IaC tools)

2. Using Pulumi Stacks for Environment Management

Pulumi manages different environments' development, staging, and production using stacks, which isolate configurations and resources for each environment. To create a new stack, run:

pulumi stack init <stack-name>

This initializes a dedicated workspace with its own state and settings. To switch between environments, use:

pulumi stack select <stack-name>

Each stack maintains a separate infrastructure, preventing conflicts between environments. This approach ensures consistent deployments, simplifies environment-specific configurations, and allows simple transitions between stacks.

3. State Management in Pulumi

To configure a remote backend for Pulumi, you can set the PULUMI_BACKEND_URL environment variable or specify the backend URL directly in your project’s Pulumi.yaml file. Here’s how you can set the backend in the configuration file, 

  url: <backend-url>

This tells Pulumi where to store the state, whether it's on the Pulumi Cloud or a self-managed backend like AWS S3. If you haven't logged in yet, Pulumi will prompt you to do so before any operation that requires stacks or state. Once logged in, your credentials are saved in ~/.pulumi/credentials.json, and all future operations will use the selected backend, pulumi whoami -v.  

This will show your username and the backend URL. You can also find helpful links to stack pages or update details after each operation.

4. Handling Secrets in Pulumi

Pulumi provides secrets management to securely store sensitive data like API keys, passwords, or access tokens. When you set a secret in Pulumi, it automatically encrypts the value so that it’s never exposed in plaintext in the state file.

For example, to securely store an AWS access key, you can use the following command: 

`pulumi config set --secret aws:accessKey "my-secret-key"` 

This command sets the aws:accessKey as a secret, and Pulumi will encrypt the key before storing it. This ensures that sensitive data remains secure and is never visible in the state file or logs.

When using secrets, you can safely manage and retrieve sensitive values in your Pulumi projects without worrying about exposing them in your code or infrastructure files.

5. Pulumi: Key Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them

Pulumi provides flexibility by using general-purpose languages, but it comes with its own set of challenges:

State Drift Without Clear Indicators: Use pulumi refresh regularly to detect out-of-sync resources.

Language-Specific Dependency Management: Manage both cloud and language dependencies carefully.

Complex Secret Management: Always set sensitive values with --secret to prevent plaintext exposure.

Learning Curve: Developers familiar with declarative IaC may need time to adapt to Pulumi’s code-first approach.

Pulumi is ideal for teams that prefer using familiar programming languages for infrastructure and want better integration with cloud-native applications.

Cloud formation

CloudFormation is AWS’s native IaC tool, defining resources with JSON or YAML templates. Unlike Terraform’s multi-cloud support, CloudFormation is AWS-specific, organizing resources into stacks for easy updates and rollbacks. Integrated with AWS services, it enables automation without third-party tools. Change Sets allow for the previewing of modifications before they are applied, minimizing risks. Ideal for AWS-only environments, it automates deployments, manages infrastructure as code, and supports AWS Organizations and SCPs.

1. Defining Infrastructure as YAML Templates

We will define an EC2 instance using AWS CloudFormation with a YAML template. CloudFormation allows you to manage your AWS infrastructure as code, making it easy to automate the deployment and management of resources like EC2 instances, databases, and more.

We'll start by creating a CloudFormation template in YAML format to launch an EC2 instance. The template specifies the instance's properties, such as the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID, instance type, and tags.

First, create the CloudFormation template and save it as ec2-instance.yml,

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Instance"
      ImageId: "ami-0e2**************8c"
      InstanceType: "t2.micro"
        - Key: "Name"
          Value: "CF-Instance"

This template defines an EC2 instance using the specified AMI and instance type t2.micro, It also tags the instance with the name CF-Instance and specifies the CloudFormation template version to create the CloudFormation stack, use:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name MyEC2Stack --template-body file://ec2-instance.yml

Infrastructure as Code Tools (IaC tools)

Finally, you can verify the creation by visiting the AWS Cloud Console. This process will launch an EC2 instance using CloudFormation, and you'll be able to see the details in the console.

Infrastructure as Code Tools (IaC tools)

2. Using Change Sets to Preview Modifications

Change Sets in AWS CloudFormation allow users to preview modifications to the infrastructure before actually applying them. This helps ensure that any changes made to your CloudFormation stack are intentional and don’t affect the live environment unexpectedly.

To preview changes, you can create a change set with the following command:

aws cloudformation create-change-set --stack-name MyEC2Stack --template-body file://ec2-instance.yml

This command compares the current stack configuration with the new template ec2-instance.yml and shows the differences, allowing you to review what changes will be applied. Once reviewed, you can apply the changes using the aws cloudformation execute-change-set command.

Using change sets helps you avoid unexpected disruptions by giving you a clear view of the modifications before they’re executed on your resources.

3. Handling Stack Dependencies in CloudFormation

In AWS CloudFormation, you can define dependencies between resources to ensure they are created or modified in the correct order. The DependsOn attribute is used to specify explicitly the order in which resources should be created or updated.

For example, if you have a security group that must be created before an EC2 instance, you can use DependsOn to enforce this dependency:

    Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"
      GroupDescription: "Allow SSH and HTTP"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Instance"
    DependsOn: MySecurityGroup
      ImageId: "ami-0e2**************8c"
      InstanceType: "t2.micro"
        - Ref: MySecurityGroup

In this example, DependsOn ensures the EC2 instance is created only after MySecurityGroup, preventing misconfigurations. This enforces correct resource order, avoids dependency-related failures, and maintains a structured deployment process in CloudFormation.

4. Automating Multi-Region Deployments with CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation StackSets enable multi-region deployments, ensuring uniform configurations and supporting disaster recovery. They use administrative and execution roles for secure management and automatic drift detection to maintain compliance

Below is the CloudFormation template multi-region-stack.yml for deploying a VPC and an EC2 instance across multiple AWS regions:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::VPC"
      CidrBlock: ""
        - Key: "Name"
          Value: "MultiRegionVPC"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Instance"
      InstanceType: "t2.micro"
      ImageId: "ami-0e2**************8c"
        - Key: "Name"
          Value: "MultiRegion-EC2" 

The template provisions a VPC for network segmentation and an EC2 t2.micro, assigning tags for identification. Once uploaded to AWS S3, it is deployed via StackSets for scalable, consistent infrastructure provisioning.

To deploy the stack across multiple regions within an AWS Organization, use the following command,

aws cloudformation create-stack-instances --stack-set-name MultiRegionStack \
--regions "us-east-1" "us-west-2" \
--deployment-targets OrganizationalUnitIds="ou-xxxx-yyyy"

CloudFormation is ideal for organizations relying solely on AWS, offering native integration and automated infrastructure management without requiring third-party tools. By leveraging StackSets, teams can efficiently manage multi-region deployments, maintain configuration consistency, and automate large-scale infrastructure setups across AWS environments.

5. AWS CloudFormation: Limitations and Deployment Challenges

As AWS’s native IaC tool, CloudFormation integrates simply with AWS, but users may encounter these issues:

Slow Stack Updates: Optimize stack designs to reduce update times.

Limited Drift Detection: Regularly run drift detection and supplement with manual audits.

Error Handling Can Be Vague: Use CloudFormation Events and detailed logging for better diagnostics.

Rigid Template Structure: Break large templates into nested stacks for better manageability.


Crossplane is an open-source IaC tool that manages cloud resources via Kubernetes APIs, treating them as Kubernetes objects using CRDs. Acting as a Kubernetes Controller, it ensures that resources stay in the desired state. It supports AWS, Azure, and GCP and requires a Kubernetes cluster, AWS CLI, and Helm for setup, with verification through Crossplane pods in the `crossplane-system` namespace.

1. Managing Cloud Resources via Kubernetes API

To configure the AWS provider in Crossplane, first, create a policy file crossplane-aws-policy.json with the required permissions and attach it to an IAM role. 

Use this manifest file for creating an s3 bucket:

EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Bucket
  name: crossplane-bucket-56rjz
    locationConstraint: us-east-1
    name: default

Use kubectl get buckets to verify that Crossplane created the bucket.

Then verify the creation, we can always check the AWS console, 

Infrastructure as Code Tools

2. Creating Compositions for Custom Resources

Crossplane uses CRDs to group multiple cloud resources into a single custom resource, simplifying deployments with a Kubernetes-native API. Compositions standardize configurations, ensuring consistency across environments. By defining reusable infrastructure patterns, teams reduce complexity and enforce best practices. For example, a composite resource can provision RDS, S3, and IAM roles together, streamlining management and supporting scalable infrastructure.

kind: CompositeResourceDefinition
    kind: XDatabase
    plural: xdatabases
    kind: DatabaseClaim
    plural: databaseclaims
    - name: v1alpha1
      served: true
      referenceable: true
          type: object
              type: integer
              type: string
              type: string

Once the XDatabase custom resource is defined, it will be able to provide RDS and S3 together, ensuring consistent deployments and reducing operational overhead. To maintain a stable and secure environment, follow best practices like resource versioning, GitOps workflows, and monitoring. Leveraging Crossplane’s Kubernetes-native API, teams can efficiently manage multi-cloud infrastructure while ensuring compliance.

3. Handling State in Crossplane

Crossplane continuously enforces the desired state, acting as a Kubernetes controller to keep resources aligned with their declared configuration. Unlike Terraform, which applies changes once, Crossplane monitors resources like RDS and S3, detecting drift and automatically restoring any manual modifications, ensuring consistency and compliance without intervention.

Here is the configuration for enforcing the State of an S3 Bucket:

kind: Bucket
  name: crossplane-bucket
    locationConstraint: us-east-1
    name: aws-provider

If someone manually deletes the S3 bucket from AWS, Crossplane will detect it and automatically recreate the bucket to maintain consistency.

4. Provisioning Managed Kubernetes Clusters with Crossplane

Crossplane enables declarative Kubernetes cluster provisioning across AWS, GCP, and Azure, eliminating the need for cloud-specific tools like eksctl. It ensures consistency by continuously monitoring clusters and reconciling any drift.

Here is the configuration for provisioning an EKS cluster on AWS:

kind: Cluster
  name: crossplane-eks-cluster
    region: us-east-1
    roleArn: "arn:aws:iam::123******89012:role/EKSRole"
    version: "1.25"
        - subnet-vpc-012*******0ab**ef
    name: aws-provider

Once applied, Crossplane provisions the EKS cluster and ensures it remains in the desired state, restoring any manual changes automatically. This simplifies multi-cloud deployments, improves automation, and integrates with GitOps workflows. To maintain a secure and stable environment, follow best practices such as version control, automated deployments, resource monitoring, and strong security measures.

5. Crossplane: Operational Challenges and Potential Pitfalls

Crossplane brings a Kubernetes-native approach to IaC, but it introduces unique challenges:

Complex Setup: Simplify initial setup with automation scripts and thorough documentation.

Drift Detection Overhead: Balance enforcement policies to prevent unnecessary resource recreations.

Verbose YAML Configurations: Adopt templating practices and reusable compositions.

Dependency on Kubernetes Availability: Ensure high availability for the Kubernetes control plane to maintain reliability.

Best Practices for Using IaC Tools

Effective Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices ensure secure and reliable deployments. Policy as Code tools like Sentinel and OPA enforce security and performance standards, detecting issues before they arise. Secrets management services like HashiCorp Vault and AWS Secrets Manager protect sensitive data from exposure. By combining testing, security, and automation, teams can maintain a dependable, secure infrastructure. Platforms like Kapstan further automate policy enforcement and drift prevention across IaC environments.

Managing Reliable and Secure Infrastructure with Kapstan

Kapstan simplifies infrastructure management by using OpenTofu as the baseline for provisioning and managing infrastructure. This makes it easy for organizations already using Terraform or OpenTofu to onboard without worrying about migration complexities. Kapstan handles the heavy lifting, allowing teams to deploy and manage infrastructure without writing or running complex scripts.

What makes Kapstan simple is its ability to abstract the complexity of traditional Infrastructure as Code workflows. Instead of dealing with configuration files or manual scripting, Kapstan provides an intuitive interface where you can deploy resources like Kubernetes clusters, databases, caches, and queues with just a few clicks. For example, to launch a PostgreSQL database, all you need to do is specify the name and size - Kapstan handles the underlying OpenTofu scripts, resource provisioning, and configurations automatically.

IaC tools - Kapstan

Customers using Terraform or OpenTofu can integrate simply with Kapstan, avoiding the overhead of migration or major adjustments to their existing workflows. This eliminates the need to rewrite infrastructure code or manage complex deployment pipelines.

Kapstan combines the power of OpenTofu with an intuitive interface, making infrastructure management straightforward while maintaining flexibility for DevOps teams. It reduces operational overhead, speeds up deployments, and ensures infrastructure consistency without the usual complexity of IaC tools.

For more details, refer to the Kapstan Documentation.


Q1.What are IaC tools?

IaC tools let teams define and manage infrastructure using code instead of setting it up manually. They automate resource creation, making deployments consistent, repeatable, and easy to track in version control.

Q2.Which is the best IaC tool?

Terraform is the most widely used IaC tool due to its cloud-agnostic support. CloudFormation is best for AWS users, while Pulumi is ideal for developers preferring general-purpose languages.

Q3.When is IaC suitable for my team?

IaC is useful when managing complex infrastructure, requiring repeatable deployments, or tracking changes in version control. It reduces manual errors and helps maintain consistency, making it essential for cloud and hybrid environments.

Q4.Is Jenkins a configuration management tool?

No, Jenkins is a CI/CD tool for building, testing, and deploying software, not for configuration management. Tools like Ansible, Puppet, and Chef handle that. However, Jenkins is often used in IaC workflows to trigger Terraform or Ansible scripts for automated deployments.

Ankur Khurana
Principal Engineer @ Kapstan. Ankur brings over ten years of expertise in designing and constructing complex systems. He prefers to solve problems by applying first principles and enjoys exploring emerging technologies.

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